How Your Day-To-Day Tasks Can Become Headline News

Have you ever considered how interesting your day-to-day work activities might be to someone outside your industry?

What if we told you it could be so interesting, that it could become a media story?

When considering whether to engage a public relations agency, a familiar concern of potential clients is that they or their business just aren’t interesting enough, and they don’t have many stories to tell.

However, we know that some of the very best stories come out of those day-to-day tasks and the kind of industry knowledge that is only gained through years of hands on experience.

What might feel familiar and boring to you, could potentially be media gold, highlighting a particular industry trend or issue, and giving you the opportunity to offer your commentary and expertise.

Some simple, real-life examples from clients recently include;

  • Muzz Buzz Executive Chairman Warren Reynolds noticing an increase in participation in their customer loyalty program, as people try to find ways to save money amid current cost-of-living challenges.
  • A trend of parents cancelling allied health appointments to prioritise the needs of other family members, as noticed by the team at WA Health Group.
  • The team at EES Shipping dealing with increasing freight rates and global shipping delays, which is having a flow-on effect here in Australia.

These three clients all achieved mainstream media coverage by providing commentary around topics that were literally part of their day-to-day running of their businesses.

A key reason these topics were able to achieve media coverage however, was in the telling of the story.

It’s not enough to identify an issue, but rather you must also highlight to the media why consumers, businesses and/or the general public should also care or how they might be impacted.

That’s where the benefit of a team of ex-journalists like ourselves comes in, we not only have a nose for news and can identify those interesting stories, but we know how to tell them in a way that will get the media interested too.

So the next time you’re sitting at your desk pouring over numbers, dealing with an issue out in the field or just re-telling your work day to a friend over dinner, ask yourself – consider asking yourself, would this make headline news?

We’ll be able to tell you.

More To Explore

Revolutionising Healthcare in Australia

Mark Woodland and his innovative new business – Kismet – are looking to revolutionise the way Australia’s healthcare system is run. In the past month, Mark has had the opportunity to share Kismet’s story and vision through several high-profile media appearances.

Making healthcare accessible in rural and remote Australia

This month at Profile Media we had the absolute privilege of sharing the story of Fly2 Health’s first charity flight. The flight helped eight-year-old Frankie and his dad go from Lake Grace to his specialist appointments in Perth in ninety minutes, replacing what would usually be a multi-day trip!

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